In my research, I triangulate on how and why workplace inequality emerges, with a specific focus on gender, and to identify what can be done to help close these inequities. Across my papers, I use a wide range of methods and empirical approaches based on what is most appropriate for addressing the focal research question. While I primarily leverage field data from a diverse set of contexts and industries, I have also conducted both field and laboratory experiments, interviews, and content analyses.
How Inequality is Produced in Evaluations
One stream of my research focuses on how organizational, network, and market processes directly perpetuate gender differences. For example, I have shown how the structure of evaluative processes and network dynamics lead to different outcomes for men and women.
(Not) Getting What You Deserve: How Misrecognized Evaluators Reproduce Misrecognition in Peer Evaluations
(with T. Botelho, & J. Carter) | American Sociological Review (forthcoming)
The (Re)Production of Inequality in Evaluations: A Unifying Framework
(with T. Botelho & G. Dobin-Lamont) | Research in Organizational Behavior (2024)
Gender Role Incongruity and Audience-based Gender Bias: The Case of Resource Exchange among Entrepreneurs
Administrative Science Quarterly (2020)
Pursuing Quality: How Search Costs and Uncertainty Magnify Gender-based Double Standards in a Multistage Evaluation Process
(with T. Botelho) | Administrative Science Quarterly (2017)
Pay Formalization Revisited: Considering the Effects of Manager Gender and Discretion on Closing the Gender Wage Gap
Academy of Management Journal (2017)
Papers Under Review and Working Papers
Status, Gender, and Compensation
(with T. Botelho)
Intraorganizational Tie Formation and Race
(with S. Mobasseri & E. Linos)
Visibility and Gendered Feedback
(with B. Bond)
Work in Progress
From Self-Diagnoses to Change: Organizational Narratives and the Gender Pay Gap.
(with K. Weisshaar)
Drivers of Gender Differences in Career Pursuit
In a second research stream, I study the ways men and women respond differently to the same situation or information. In this work, I have demonstrated how men and women differ in the types of employers and employment opportunities they pursue when seeking a job.
Gender Differences in Climbing up the Ladder: Why Experience Closes the Ambition Gender Gap
(with K. Wald, K., B. Pike & A. Galinsky) | Psychological Science (2024)
Congruence Between Leadership Gender and Organizational Claims Affects the Gender Composition of the Applicant Pool: Field Experimental Evidence
(with V. Burbano) | Organization Science (2022)
Papers Under Review and Working Papers
Workplace Misconduct and Inequality
(with E. Bailey & S. Mobasseri)
Inclusivity and Psychological Safety
(with M. White & S. Matz)
The Effect of Diversity Claims Decoupling
(with V. Burbano, J. Carter & C. McMahon)
Work in Progress
Remote Work and Labor Market Inequality
(with D. Brown)